Monday, May 10, 2010

Texas Ho!

Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota

The Devil's Tower, Wyoming

We are finally here!! We arrived yesterday afternoon to a hot and sweaty Houston. Fortunately, our apartment has some great air conditioning along with two bedrooms, two king sized beds and two en-suites...woot woot...not to mention a great little kitchen complete with dishwasher and washer and dryer. I know this may not seem like a big deal to a lot of you but to us it's awesome. Our balcony overlooks a beautiful little courtyard with a gazebo. Russell loves to play out on the balcony; he always tries to fit his little body through the bars. Thank goodness he's not that skinny...but he is VERY whiney! He's been drooling a river, complaining our ears off, has a fever and has a runny nose which can only mean one thing: he's teething again!! The horror!

It was a loooonnnnggg drive but still fun. We watched wild horses in Montana, visited the Devil's Tower National Monument in Wyoming, and waved hello to four famous presidents at Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota. We were bored by the agriculture in Nebraska, were detoured through Colorado (due to construction), hit 40 m/h winds in Kansas and were extremely annoyed by the loud roads in Oklahoma. Jane nearly had an apoplexy in Dallas as she attempted to navigate the snaking, confusing and furious traffic of the big city while Ken casually commented on the architecture and Russell screamed in the back seat. Finally, we rolled into a balmy Houston where we immediately acquainted ourselves with the nearest mall called "The Galleria" (so Jane could buy shorts), IKEA (to get Russ a high chair) and the closest Walmart (for everything else).

We think we can safely call this road trip a success. Jane didn't shoot Ken (although she does claim her right to bare arms as is the American way), Ken didn't throttle Jane and nobody harmed a hair on the head of the little screech owl (although we were tempted to strap his seat to the top of the car).

We are definitely looking forward to getting to know Houston better but we miss everyone back in Calgary too. I'm off to the pool sucka's!



  1. I'm glad you guys made it there safely. It sounds like a pretty sweet set up. We might actually get to play frisbee this week because snow isn't in the forecast! We miss you guys!!!

  2. Glad you made it safe.

    Oh and unfortunately you can't "bare arms" unless you're American. So sad. I can't wait to take my citizenship test, just so I can pack a colt 45.

    okay so I'm almost kidding about that.
