I was due April 29th but had been told numerous times not to expect the baby to come on the actual due date as this was quite an improbablity; only something like 1% of deliveries take place when they are supposed to. Anyways, on the night of April 28th Ken and I settled in for a peaceful night's sleep that would soon prove to be not so peaceful. I experienced a strange dream where I would see myself from a bird's eye view in labour. That might not seem so strange but then throw me into a hospital bed in a meadow full of flowers on top of a mountain being watched by a purple Lynx and suddenly it gets a lot stranger. This dream reoccurred at least four times and on the fourth time, I began to feel this awful and uncomfortable tightening in my lower abdomen - and more precisley, my uterus. The feeling woke me up and at 4:17 am I soon realized that I was having contractions and they were already seven minutes apart!
I waited until I had four regular contractions before I turned to Ken, shook his shoulder and said, "Oh Kenny-boy, we're going to have a baby...like literally...and in the very near future." Normally, it would have taken my sleeping beauty a full five minutes to recover his senses, stretch, yawn, turn over onto his side and rub his eyes before waking from his slumber but this time he threw back the covers, instantly jumped out of bed and cried, "Are we ready? Do we have everything? How far part are the contractions?" while he rummaged around in the desk for a paper and pen to record the contraction times. At this point, the contractions were still light enough that my face was able to register my amusement.
Within an hour the contractions became closer and closer together and more and more uncomfortable until it was time to make that ancient and well-travelled journey: the trek to the hospital.
...to be continued...
Sounds so exciting already!!! I can't wait to hear more!