Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Finding the Right Fit

Ever since we got married, Ken has, almost without fail, checked the listings on to browse through his dream houses. I, on the other hand, thought that such an activity was merely wishful thinking and somewhat futile, considering that we wouldn't be in the market for a house for at least a couple of years. So why get excited about something you know you can't buy? It's as frustrating as window shopping - man, do I hate window shopping!

However, just recently Ken and I have started to look into buying our first home and I can't tell you how incredibly obsessive compulsive I have become about checking the listings. The possibilities are definitely not endless - we only have so much money to spend - but I now love looking at all the pictures and imagining what furniture would go where and what colour I would paint the walls. It brings up a lot of questions though because before, I never really thought about what exactly I wanted because I saw owning a house as something so far away from the present. So now I have to ask myself all these questions: should we sacrifice square footage for location? Should we invest in sweat equity or go for something that wouldn't require much work? Is a garage more important than yard space? Attached, detached, semi-detached? Basement suite? 3 bedrooms or 4? How many kids do I think I'm going to have anyway?! And mortgages - the mind boggles!

It will probably take us another year just to figure out what we want. Maybe window shopping isn't so bad after all - as long as it's for houses.


  1. I hear ya Jane! Dan and I are in the same boat right now too. There's so many things to think about my head may explode!

  2. I totally get what you are saying!! I have spent many nights wide awake...thinking about colors, furniture, etc. It is so fun! Wes and I just bought a house in Airdrie. If you're interested in building you should check it out: Good luck in the search!
