Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Marriage: a competition?

One thing that you need to know about me and Ken is that we are both very competitive people. This personality trait is quite an advantage when we are on the same team/page but when we aren't...well, let's just say that things can get quite "colorful."

Most of the time our competitive constitutions center around who is right and who is an idiot. Examples of this "friendly fire" vary from things as important as whose family should our kid(s) go to if we die? to things as unimportant as who has the most accurate finger flicking aim in croquenot? And while the majority of our banter is, indeed, benign - it can, on occasion take on a more fiendish aspect that results in wounded pride or sore ribs (from the mother of all evils: poking attacks!). Consequently, on "one of those days" a venerable amount of our pillow talk time can be taken up apologizing and laughing about how stupid we are...haha.

You know what, though? I would rather remain in a repartee with Ken for eternity than spend a lifetime getting along perfectly with anyone else. Feel free to gag, scoff and/or mock but the fact remains that even when we attempt to refute and retaliate, defend and disprove - in the end, we always let our relationship win. And that will now, and forever, make all the difference.


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