Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Zoom, Zoom...Wuah, Wuah, Wuah

I have had an awful realization: our car is the devil!! Or should I say Christine?? Do you remember that movie --"She's the Devil Incarnate. She's Christine. Body by Plymouth. Soul by Satan." Well, just swap Pontiac for Plymouth and you're bang on. Last summer the car broke down in Kamloops while we were on our way to Vancouver Island for our vacation and we had to fork out 2 grand in repairs. The clock display worked the first day we brought it home and hasn't worked since; I often cannot get my keys out of the ignition or switch the shifter from Park into Drive without some fancy fandangling and just the other day we took our car into the shop to be checked out before we drive (yes, I said drive) to Houston only to discover that in order for our car to be considered "safe," we would have to throw away 4,000 dollars - I repeat - 4,000 dollars!!! And that's not the end of it.

Yesterday, I was driving myself and my sister to the hospital to visit my cousin when the front left tire exploded!! Luckily I was close to a parking lot and was able to pull in without causing an accident but then I had to deal with changing the tire. This story gets funnier when you learn that I have never changed a tire before in my life. I've seen Ken do it before, though, and know how to do it in theory; however, I have never actually physically done it. So just to make sure I made my sister get out the instruction manual and read the instructions to me. Thankfully, a good Samaritan by the name of Thomas saw us and thought to himself, if they have to get out the instruction manual they must not know what they're doing. Thank you Thomas - you sweet, sweet man!! He had that donut on in 15 minutes and we were on our way. I'm pretty sure it would have taken my sister and I a good hour to get it done. El Diablo!!!! Lately, I've taken to cursing in Spanish so Russell can't understand me and it's all because of the Pontiac of putrescence. Bleh.

Now we are buying a new car!! Yay. I am so excited and it better treat me right or it's the wrecking yard. Anyone want a devil car??? It's cheap - power everything including free demon possession. Some cars are born bad.



  1. Jane, your blog posts are always a delight. Hope your new car is everything you ever dreamed of, and good luck in Houston!

  2. Houston? What the heck are you doing driving to Texas for?

    I'm sorry your car sucks. But I'm happy you're getting a new one.
