Monday, March 9, 2009

Let the Wild Rumpus Start

I spend my days working with children of all ages and am consistently amazed by what incredibly imaginative, random and largely ludicrous comments they make. It almost makes up for their manushydrosopaphobic (my version of a hand washing phobia), paper ripping, water spilling, Kleenex avoiding, work stalling, and table kicking predilections. Today’s example: "Max" – a seven year old, sandy haired boy with a gift for masticating rubber erasers.

Today Max was in fine form, deftly appropriating my wrapper-fresh Staedtler Mars Plastic eraser. After rescuing the innocent chunk of rubber from his vice-like jaws, we started to discuss the orthographic tendencies involved in spelling the word “back” (i.e. discovering what letters/letter combinations can make the /k/ sound and then testing each option). While this activity proved to be incredibly engrossing to the small boy, somehow (surprising, I know) his attention was diverted to drawing pictures in the margins of the lined paper.

I decided to indulge him for a few minutes and asked him about what he was drawing. He showed me a charming set of monsters, each in the process of either tearing or burning some poor stick person to pieces. A conversation ensued as follows:

J: Are your monsters good or bad?
M: Definitely good...but they're not MY monsters.
J: Whose are they then?
M: They're the monsters that fight for God.
J: But doesn't God have angels to do that?
M: Ya, but angels can't pee fire!

Touche, Max. Touche,


  1. Jane! I'm glad you found me! I didn't kno you had a blog! I'm looking forward to pictures of your darling little baby when he/she arrives! (I forget, do you know what you're having?) Great to be able to keep up with each other more now!

    Loved the story btw! :)

    Love, Kim

  2. Jane, welcome to the world of blogging! It gets pretty addicting, so be careful ;) But at least you have control of what you want to see/read. I look forward to hearing more from you! You're monster story is hilarious!

    Happy blogging :)

  3. Yay...people are reading my blog and caring enough to comment...haha! I just started but am looking forward to many more moons of story sharing. Baby Conrad is a boy - 5% degree of error included...haha.

  4. I didn't realize Monstors pee'd fire... I guess why not though?
