Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Countdown to Valentine's Day

I have never been, nor am I now, a great celebrator of Valentine's Day. However, since my Wedding Anniversary falls on February 15th, the day after Valentine's Day, we celebrate both simultaneously. I like it because it makes Valentine's Day seem more trivial which makes our Anniversary all that more the focus. I hope that makes sense to everyone else who doesn't share my sometimes wonky sense of logic. Anyways, I thought I would share a brief anecdote or comic or quote every day until V-Day which, in a way, is really a countdown to my Anniversary.



  1. I think that it's really cute that you are counting down to your anniversary. I can never remember if ours is May 2 or 3rd...

  2. Yay for February Anniversaries! That's a way better thing to countdown than Valentine's Day! We too usually combine the two seeing as our Anniversary is the 17th! Happy Anniversary!
