So it turns out that Ken, the goober and I are going to be heading off to Texas for six months at the beginning of May! Ken needs to go there, Houston that is, for work as part of his training rotation so, naturally, Russ and I are going along for the ride. I wasn't terribly fond of the idea at first but now I'm actually excited to go. It's only six months and it will be interesting to compare the differences/similarities between Calgary and Houston. I mean, it's not like we're going off to some far-off foreign country right?
Quotes I associate with Texas off the top of my head: "I'm an oil man;" " gold, Texas tea;" "Remember the Alamo!" "All my exes live in Texas...; "If I owned Texas and Hell, I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell;" "Everything's bigger in Texas;" "Saskatchewan is much like Texas except it's friendlier to the United States." That's all I can think of right now.
I'm sure I have a lot of misconceptions about that big ol' State but six months of living there should educate me. Plus, the apartment we're staying in has a dishwasher!!